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:: Volume 24, Issue 2 (Summer 2024) ::
J Ardabil Univ Med Sci 2024, 24(2): 196-209 Back to browse issues page
A survey on the Epidemiology of Acute Poisoning in Adults Referring to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ardabil during 2017-2020
Roksana Farabi , Aylin Javan-Molaei , Esmaeil Farzaneh , Saeid Sadeghieh Ahari , Sara Mostafalou *
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran , s.mostafalou@arums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (383 Views)
Background: Poisoning is one of the common causes of hospital emergency department referrals, especially in adolescents and young people; therefore, knowing the pattern of poisoning will be helpful in identifying risk factors and early detection of poisoning. The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiology of acute poisoning in adults referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ardabil from 2017 to 2020.
Methods: In this descriptive-analytical and retrospective study, 755 cases related to poisoned patients referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ardabil from 2017 to 2020 were reviewed. The extracted data include ward, gender, age, marital status, place of residence, general status, cause of poisoning, and time of referral, were recorded on the checklist. Obtained Data were analyzed by Chi-square test and SPSS25 software.
Results: The results showed that drug poisoning, opium (opium and its derivatives) and pesticides were the first to third ranks of the most poisoning agents. Most of the poisoned patients were men, married, in the age group of 21 to 30 and living in urban areas. Most of the poisonings were intentional and 33 deaths (4.4%) happened due to poisonings. The cause of poisoning had a significant relationship with age, sex, marital status, place of poisoning (p<0.05) but had no significant relationship with the general condition and time of patients' referral.
Conclusion: Acute poisoning is a major health problem in Ardabil province. The results show that the three agents of drug poisoning, opium and pesticides are the main means of poisoning in adults. Most cases of poisoning occurred in young and adult groups and were in the age range of 21 to 30 years. Poisonings occurred in people aged 31 to 40 were more due to amphetamine. Poisoning with aluminum phosphide tablets had increased compared to before. Consumption of aluminum phosphide is one of the problems of today's societies and it was one of the main causes of death in this research, so it is better to provide necessary measures for management and training for its correct use. Also, by limiting the use of these agents and replacing other methods and techniques, poisoning with these agents can be reduced.
Keywords: Poisoning, Medicine, Opium, Esticide, Ardabil
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Type of Study: article | Subject: Pharmacology
Received: 2024/08/19 | Accepted: 2024/10/30 | Published: 2024/07/20
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Farabi R, Javan-Molaei A, Farzaneh E, Sadeghieh Ahari S, Mostafalou S. A survey on the Epidemiology of Acute Poisoning in Adults Referring to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ardabil during 2017-2020. J Ardabil Univ Med Sci 2024; 24 (2) :196-209
URL: http://jarums.arums.ac.ir/article-1-2416-en.html

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