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:: Instructions For Authors ::
 | Post date: 2023/10/30 | 
   For authors
  1. Submission: Manuscripts submitted for publication must describe original work that has not been previously published, either in whole or in part. Submissions should be in Persian with English abstracts. Each manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, including the title, author(s) name(s), and a statement confirming that the work has not been published or submitted elsewhere. The manuscript should include the following sections: Title, Author(s) Name(s), Abstract, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, and References.
  2. Title Page: The title page should include the full title of the manuscript, the full names of all authors along with their respective departments or institutions, and contact information for correspondence, including telephone numbers, email, and fax number.
  3. Abstract: The abstract should be no more than 250 words and structured into the following sections: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. It should be followed by 3 to 6 keywords.
   Extended English Abstract
   At the initial submission stage, it is not mandatory for all manuscripts to include an extended abstract. An extended abstract is only required for articles that have been accepted. This abstract should be written in English and should be between 900 and 1200 words. It should follow the structure of the main article, with a focus on the methodology and results.
The extended abstract should be organized as follows:
  • Background (up to 200 words)
  • Methods (up to 300 words)
  • Results (up to 500 words)
  • Conclusion (up to 200 words)
  1. Introduction: This section should summarize the purpose and rationale of the study. It should not extensively review the subject nor include data or conclusions from the study [in Persian].
  2. Materials & Methods: This section should describe the methods, observations, or experiments conducted. If an apparatus is used, provide the manufacturer’s name and address in parentheses. For established methods, provide a reference; for new methods, include sufficient detail for replication. If a drug is used, specify its generic name, dose, and route of administration. For patient studies, include age, sex, and mean age ± standard deviation. Mention statistical methods and any general computer programs used. Clearly specify the information system used [in Persian].
  3. Results: Present results in text, tables, and illustrations. Do not repeat table contents in the text; instead, refer to the table number. Long articles may require sub-headings within sections (especially Results and Discussion) for clarity [in Persian].
  4. Discussion: Emphasize the current findings and compare them with other work in the field. Do not repeat detailed data from the results. Highlight new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions drawn. Indicate whether the hypothesis is supported, refuted, or inconclusive [in Persian].
  5. Acknowledgement: Acknowledge all contributors who do not meet authorship criteria, including those who provided technical help, writing assistance, and general support from departmental heads. Also, acknowledge financial and material support [in Persian].
  6. Tables: Submit tables in limited numbers with captions above. Do not submit tables as photographs. Place explanatory notes in footnotes, not in the heading [in Persian].
  7. Figures: Submit figures in limited numbers, with high-quality artwork, mounted on separate pages. Place captions below the figures.
  8. Data Presentation: Do not present the same data in tables, figures, and text simultaneously.
  9. References: Personal communications, manuscripts in preparation, and other unpublished data should not be included in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text in parentheses. References in the text should be identified by Farsi numerals in parentheses. They should be typed, double-spaced, and listed separately from the text, numbered consecutively in the order they appear. References cited in figures and tables but not in the text should follow the text references in consecutive numbering. Journal references should include inclusive page numbers, while book references should specify page numbers. Indicate abstracts with ‘Abst’ and letters with ‘Lett’ in parentheses. Journal abbreviations should conform to those used in Index Medicus, National Library of Medicine. The references should follow this style: [example style here].
Periodicals: List all authors if six or fewer; otherwise, list the first six and add ‘et al’. Do not use periods after the authors’ initials.
  1. Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ, Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov E, et al. Childhood leukaemia in Europe after Chernobyl: 5 year follow-up. Br J Cancer. 1996; 73(1): 1006-12.
Books: Kates M. Techniques of Lipidology, 2nd ed. New York: Elsevier, 1992: 170-9.
Chapter in a book: Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1995: 456-710.
Institute as reference: Institute of Medicine (US). Looking at the future of the Medicaid program. Washington: The Institute, 1992.
Conferences: Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology. 1995 Oct 15-19, Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1996.
Conference statement: Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy, and security in medical informatics. In: Lum KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Rienhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics: 1992 Sep 6-10, Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1992: 1561-5.
Dissertation: Kaplan SJ. Post-hospital home health care: The elderly’s access and utilization [dissertation]. St. Louis (MO): Washington University; 1995.
Unpublished papers: Leshner J. Molecular mechanisms of cocaine addiction. N Engl J Med. In press 1996.
Papers in electronic journals: Morse SS. Factors in emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 1995 Jan-Mar; 1(1): 65-71. Available from: URL: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/eid.htm.
Papers in non-English languages: Ryder TE, Haukelan EA, Solhaug JH. Bilateral infrapatellar seneruptur hos tidligere frisk kvinne. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 1996 Jul; 116(4): 41-2 (Full text in original language).

     13. Proofreading: A computer printout is sent to the corresponding author for proofreading before publication to avoid any mistakes. Corrections should be clearly marked and sent immediately to the Journal office.

      14. Abbreviations and Symbols: Use only standard abbreviations. Avoid using them in the title and abstract. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. Short communications are possible; follow the same structure as the original papers.

      15. Ethics: Ethical considerations must be addressed in the Materials and Methods section.
  1. State that informed consent was obtained from all human adult participants and from the parents or legal guardians of minors. Include the name of the appropriate institutional review board that approved the project.
  2. Indicate in the text that the maintenance and care of experimental animals comply with National Institutes of Health guidelines for the humane use of laboratory animals or those of your institute or agency.
       16. Conflicts of Interest: Authors must acknowledge and declare any sources of funding and potential conflicts of interest, such as receiving funds or fees from, or holding stocks and shares in, an organization that may profit or lose through the publication of your paper. Declaring a competing interest will not lead to the automatic rejection of the paper, but we would like to be made aware of it.

       17. Page Charges: The Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences is committed to real and immediate open access for academic work. All of JArUMS’s articles and reviews are free to access immediately from the date of publication. There are no author charges prior to publication and no charge for any reader to download articles and reviews for their own scholarly use.

       18. Copyright: Accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of JArUMS and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the Editor.

      19. Peer Review Process: All manuscripts are considered confidential. They are peer-reviewed by at least three anonymous reviewers selected by the Editorial Board. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor’s decision to accept, reject, or require modifications. If the manuscript is completely acceptable according to the criteria set forth in these instructions, it is scheduled for the next available issue.

       20. Disposal of Material: Once published, all copies of the manuscript, correspondence, and artwork will be held for six months before disposal.

      21. Editorial Board Rights: The Editorial Board of the journal reserves the right to accept or reject the article at any stage and at any time or delete a part of the text, table, or figures, if necessary.

      22. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is strictly forbidden by the Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences. By submitting the article for publication, the authors agree that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors if plagiarism or fabricated information is discovered. Plagiarism includes fully copying text from other sources, replication of ideas, images, or data from other sources, reproducing text from your prior published works, and making an idea with slightly altered language. If plagiarism is detected after publication, we reserve the right to issue a correction or retract the paper as appropriate.

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Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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