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:: Authorship Description ::
 | Post date: 2024/07/21 | 

   Editorial Policies of the Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences (JArUMS)
Submitting a manuscript to the Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences (JArUMS) indicates that all listed authors have read and approved the content of the manuscript. The submission also confirms adherence to the journal’s policies. JArUMS follows the guidelines of the
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  Authorship Description:
The Authorship Description policy at JArUMS defines who qualifies as an author and outlines their expected contributions to ensure fairness, accountability, and proper recognition. JArUMS adheres to the guidelines of the 
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), which state that authorship should be based on four substantial contributions:
  1. Conception and design
  2. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data
  3. Drafting the work or revising it critically
  4. Approval of the final version
 Accountability and Responsibility
All authors share accountability for the entire work, including its methodology, results, conclusions, and ethical aspects. Manuscripts should not be submitted to more than one journal simultaneously and must be original, not previously published in any form or language. A commitment letter signed by all authors must be completed and uploaded during submission. Filling out this commitment form is required, and once signed by all authors, it must be uploaded to the submission page.

All authors agree to be responsible for all aspects of the work and ensure that any questions regarding the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. The corresponding author acts on behalf of all co-authors and ensures that any issues related to the manuscript’s accuracy are properly addressed.
 Authorship Order
The order of authorship should reflect the level of contribution, with the first author typically making the most significant contribution. The corresponding author is responsible for confirming that the author list and order have been agreed upon by all authors before submission. They also manage all communication between the journal and co-authors before and after publication. The primary affiliation for each author should be the organization where most of their work was completed. Affiliations cannot be changed after publication.
 Transparency and Acknowledgements
Individuals who contribute significantly but do not meet authorship criteria can be acknowledged in the Acknowledgements section. This section may include collaborators who provided research assistance, funding sources, sponsors, software developers, or language editing services.
 Authorship Changes
Authors are strongly encouraged to confirm the author group and order at submission. Any changes to the author list after submission, such as changes in order or the addition/removal of authors, must be approved by all authors, with the corresponding author responsible for this process. Changes requested after manuscript acceptance will delay publication. All authors must complete and sign the “Change of Authorship Form” for any authorship changes after acceptance.
If there is any suspicion of misconduct or suspected fraud, the journal and the Publisher will conduct an investigation following COPE guidelines. If significant concerns are identified after the examination, the authors will be contacted via their provided email addresses and given the opportunity to explain the issue.
 Competing Interests (CI)
JArUMS enforces Competing Interests (CI) policies to ensure transparency and reduce potential bias in published research. These policies identify any financial or non-financial interests of the authors that could influence the research.
 Types of Competing Interests in JArUMS:
  • Financial: This includes funding sources (grants, industry sponsorships), employment, ownership of companies, or consultancies related to the research topic.
  • Non-Financial: Personal relationships with co-authors or competing researchers, membership in relevant organizations, or any other potential conflicts of interest.
Authors are required to disclose any interests directly or indirectly associated with the submitted work. Additionally, JArUMS requests that authors indicate any research grants, funding organizations, and institutional support related to the submitted work. This information should be included in a declaration before the reference citation list at the end of the manuscript.

 Artificial intelligence (AI) Authorship
The publishing policy of ARUMS PRESS regarding the use of artificial intelligence systems is generally in match with the recommendations of related international committees.
AI has the ability to produce data that may be wrong or incomplete. Considering that the content produced by artificial intelligence is not acceptable as the main source and reference, the authors are required to specify any use of technologies and software related to AI such as Chatbots in the submitted article.
For example; the use of editing software based on artificial intelligence should be mentioned in the acknowledgments section. Data collection, analysis, or image generation with the help of AI-based technologies should be specified in the work method section by mentioning the title and version of the tool used, so that the work method can be repeated.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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