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:: Volume 23, Issue 3 (Autumn 2023) ::
J Ardabil Univ Med Sci 2023, 23(3): 215-226 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the Economic Burden of Implant Surgery on the Urban Household in Ardabil Province in 2022
Soheila Derisavy Jorfian * , Madi Rahbar , Reza Savareh
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, School of Dentistry, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran , s.derisavy@gmail.com
Abstract:   (878 Views)
Background: despite the many benefits of dental implants, their cost remains a controversial issue. No study in Iran evaluated the costs and benefits of this treatment accurately, so the present study aimed to investigate the economic burden of implant surgery on the urban households of Ardabil province in 2021.
Methods: in this descriptive-analytical, cross-sectional study, the economic burden of implant surgery was estimated using the cost of illness method and human capital method. In this study, based on the content and purpose, the prevalence-based approach was used and a suitable checklist was prepared.  The statistical population was patients referred to public and private centers providing dental services in Ardabil city. The sample size was calculated to be 160 people and a random sampling method was used for sampling. . Data analysis was done with SPSS version 21 software and Excel software.
Results: The results of the investigation showed that the total cost of implant surgery per unit was (118680744 Rials), 82.11% of these costs were related to direct medical costs, 10.92% were related to non-medical direct costs, and 6.97% were related to indirect medical expenses. Also, the economic burden of implant surgery on Ardabil society was estimated at 71 trillion 467 billion 62 million 235 thousand 635 Rials.
Conclusion: Implant surgery imposes a huge cost on society, so by planning the essential preventive tooth decay strategy, the economic burden imposed by implant surgery on the society of Ardabil can be reduced in the future.
Article number: 1
Keywords: Implant, Economic Burden, Cost
Full-Text [PDF 507 kb]   (334 Downloads)    
Type of Study: article | Subject: Dentistry
Received: 2023/02/16 | Accepted: 2023/10/13 | Published: 2023/11/11
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Derisavy Jorfian S, Rahbar M, Savareh R. Investigating the Economic Burden of Implant Surgery on the Urban Household in Ardabil Province in 2022. J Ardabil Univ Med Sci 2023; 23 (3) : 1
URL: http://jarums.arums.ac.ir/article-1-2260-en.html

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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