:: Volume 8, Issue 3 (Autumn 2008) ::
J Ardabil Univ Med Sci 2008, 8(3): 301-308 Back to browse issues page
The Role of Clock Drawing Test in Evaluation of Cortical Disorder in Schizophrenia
Hosein Ghamari givi * , Somayeh Ghasem nejad
, h_ghamarigivi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (9687 Views)

Background & Objectives: Clock drawing test is a neuropsychological test and has simple scoring and administration. It is a visual-spatial task and therefore can be useful for assessment of the right parietal lobe, constructional apraxia and executive function in schizophrenia.

Methods: this research was a descriptive-analytical study. The samples of this research were 80 inpatient male persons with schizophrenia in Razi Hospital of Tabriz in the fall of 2007. The sample size was 28 patients that were randomly selected. 28 normal persons that have been matched in age and educational level as comparison group were assessed with the test. The raw data were analyzed by independent t-test and the analyses were done by SPSS13.

Results: The results indicated that there is a significant difference in two groups on two phases of research (p=0.01). In particular, the error scores in group with schizophrenia on two phases were higher than normal group. Furthermore, error scores of group with schizophrenia did not show any difference in the second phase.

Conclusion: On the basis of the results it can be concluded that the clock drawing test can diagnose differentially between persons with schizophrenia and normal population. On the other hand most frequent errors on drawing the test in persons with schizophrenia was the place assignment of numbers in clock face. This failure is due to visual-spatial disorder. Visual-spatial ability is affected by the object centered system and the viewer centered system.      

Keywords: test, clock drawing, schizophrenia
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Type of Study: article | Subject: Special
Received: 2007/09/3 | Accepted: 2008/08/12 | Published: 2009/03/17

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